doesn’t one get lost?..

a million reasons to.. many, with life.. many, in some race.. many more in finding purpose or meaning.. clueless, but most get more than just lost.. is it the world or is it the mind.. which of these is more successful in engaging in a game of external imagery and outward teachings that on a … Read more

grateful I am…

for the gasps and the breathes of air.. for the people and the emotions.. for the emotions and the outbursts.. for the outbursts and the manifestations.. for the manifestations and the bewilderment.. for the bewilderment and the spiritual thirst.. for the thirst and the springs.. for the springs and the washouts.. the washouts and the … Read more

one day..

it all be quiet.. the grains of sand, by which one claims to have captured the vastnesses of the deserts, would have slipped through.. the realities, the consciousness, the philosophies, the objects, the voices.. all of em would pass through a briefest moment of inertness only to cease for ever.. the places and roles will … Read more

when one can’t see far enough…

.. attempting to face fears helps.. when one can’t face fears yet, attempting to look inward helps.. when one can’t look inward yet, being religious helps.. when one can’t be religious yet, finding security in society helps.. when one can’t find social security yet, smallest of noble deeds help.. but when the daze appears heavy, … Read more

the chaos and lack of clarity

one experienced is more often from not really knowing the situations than the very situation.. awareness and acceptance helped one see beyond the individuals, impossibilities and situations, yet very less could realise.. the realised ones benefited in leaving everything behind, forgotten, and most often forgiven too. getting there, one realises that the emphasis of every … Read more

switching the worlds..

.. if not for everyone, is a privilege, yet not an immunity in itself.. one is bound to carry along the triggers, the emotions, and of course the vulnerabilities for sure wherever he/she escapes to.. little conscious probe always signs off with a doubt – what benefit does it have to offer? no one is … Read more

deep down the numerous layers of..

emotions sits fear (or worry if it has to be toned down) as such a compelling source that no one can ignore, research says.. it demands probably more than just attention.. different individuals react differently when challenged with this emotion.. many attempt to run just to be trapped more into it, some put up a … Read more

on some days..

says am good, on some days says not today, on some desperately looks for a self imposed responsibility or an aggressive emotion to hide behind or to counter attack.. what else except for fear of a vulnerability can unsettle and make one do a bhatak-nrutyam.. it’s absolutely fine changing the world when one can’t change … Read more

isn’t it the only intention..

..of all the writings, from whichever region or religion, to live by them? why is the world so caught up with protecting them all, the sayings or the writings? ‘for the generations to come’, one said. for a moment, close the eyes and listen, a voice that’s said to be with you, in darkness and … Read more

but a leader always has a choice,

to take a path or not, to pave or close, to do or not to.. yet down the line, one thing they lack is, courage.. courage to accept the flaws, mistakes, and to face change.. the options are always get presented, but the courage to face them gets lost.. or because it has been misunderstood … Read more

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